Carnaval at Douglas Park

Today we are celebrating Metis and French-Canadian languages and cultures. Students have the opportunity to participate in many learning activities, including making Metis sash bracelets, jigging, playing the spoons, storytelling, tire sur la neige, hockey, and other arts and crafts. We even had a visit from Bonhomme!

Mental Health and Anxiety Parent Forum

Please join us for our Mental Health & Anxiety Parent Forum on Wednesday, April 18, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at Campus Regina Public (1069-14th Avenue East, Regina).

The guest speaker will be Dr. Bruce Gordon, Registered Doctoral Psychologist serving at Randall Kinship Centre and Autism Centre with Child & Youth Services - Regina with the Saskatchewan Health Authority.

To RSVP your attendance for this forum, please call (306) 523-3000 or email by Friday, April 13, 2018. Limited seating available.

Assembly Fun

At assemblies last week, we celebrated Day of Pink and our Traffic Safety Patrol. 

Day of Pink included reminders about kindness, student performances and readings, and this fun cookie challenge between Mr. Leupold and Mrs. Geiss!

Our Traffic Safety Patrol assembly honored our students who help out on our SP team. Regina Police Resource Officers attended and played dodge ball with our safety patrol members after the assembly. We even got to hang out with mascots from Regina Pats and Rainbow Cinemas. Thanks Safety Patrol for all of your hard work!