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FCC Drive Away Hunger Campaign

Our school is participating in FCC Drive Away Hunger, which means we'll be collecting donations of dry food goods, to help feed families in our area, from September 25 to October 4.  Your child should have brought home a brown paper bag to fill with donations. There is a drop-off area in front of the office.  Thank you for your support.


Lunchroom Schedule Change

There has been a change to our lunchroom program this year. We have added an additional 15 minute recess during the hour break for students to go outside (weather permitting).

*Please note the time of lunch has not changed.

11:45-12:00 Students will go outside for a 15 minute recess break.

12:00-12:30 Students will eat their lunch in their lunchroom.

12:30-12:45 Students will go outside for a 15 minute recess break. 


Playground Reminders and Supervised Times

Please help us keep everyone safe!

Supervision on the playground for non-transported students begins at 8:38. Please ensure that your student does not arrive at school before this time.

Transported students must remain on the LC1 playground (where supervision is provided) from arrival until 8:38.

Please remind your students to always tell a supervisor if they see something that is unsafe. 

For "little" problems, remind students to use good playground strategies: ignore, make a deal, walk away, or ask a supervisor for help.

Have fun and stay safe!